PJ-Challenge bouldering competition will be held this year as a two-week event in Bommari’s climbing area located in Hervanta campus. Each contester can attempt the routes from 26.10. to 07.11.2020, after which the winners will be announced and prizes given out.
Competition price:
Tekiila members: 0 €
Everyone else: 5 €
Payment info
Account number: FI17 1439 3000 1057 29
Receiver: Tekiila
Ref no: 6758
There will be (lottery-)prizes for the contenders. Everyone with access to Bommari is welcome to join. Sports fee is not required. Climbing shoes and chalk can be borrowed from Tekiila free of charge.
Scoring system is done via the following spreadsheet
List of routes with additional notes
Route information
Start holds are marked with tape. One hold starts have tape on one and two hold starts on two holds. A route counts when it’s finished by a controlled match on the last hold.
The wall angles are specifically set for the competition (16.5°,16.5° & 30° from left to right) and they should not be changed by anyone else than the organizers of the competition.
Scoreboard, routesetters: